It was nice this weekend so Goose and I went for a nature walk. And by nice, I mean not raining. It did rain a bit... but there was SOME blue sky... see?
Anyway, I finally got around to editing the pics from our nature walk this Saturday and thought I would post them before bed. I'm tired, I just don't feel like going to bed yet. Kinda still want to scrap. I got one LO done and finishes two swap items so I was kinda on a roll. BUT I have tomorrow off (YAY for government holidays!!!) and hopefully will scrap if Hubs doesn't make me clean. Ha ha ha.
This park is one of my favorite places to go. When I was growing up, I lived minutes from it and we rode are bikes there all the time. Then in my later, more rebellious days, I remember sneaking out of school dances and drinking 40oz in the dark. Ah the memories. Scares me being a parent, having to go through all that from the other side. I have a ways to go before all that, thank goodness!!
I also remember the first time I took Hubs out there, and sitting on a blanket under the sun. And I remember the Valentines Day, or was it our anniversary, when he blindfolded me and drove me out there. He had a meal set out (a 20pc chicken nugget, its a tradition) and blankets and candles. Unfortunately it was too cold and windy for the candles to stay lit and even though I tried to tough it out, we ended up eating in the car. It was still really romantic.
I remember the summer in high school when I cut myself on something sharp in the mud, probably a barnacle, and had to get a tetanus shot. I also learned how to play Magic the Gathering here.
I remember the time I walked the ENTIRE trail (which is now closed due to last years floods) with Goose in a baby bjorn and then tried to cut across the inlet and almost lost a shoe. I remember the fall trip we took last year, and the few trips this summer.
I have so many wonderful memories of this park and I get so excited to take Goose there because I hope she is able to have the same ones (well, minus the underage drinking!).
Here is Goose eating her lunch, chicken nuggets of course!
In a really big tree. She stayed in long enough to get a pic taken. I think she is getting the hang of this whole picture thing!
Walking on a log
The view of the state Capitol building across the bay.
Tide was in, not much of the sand bar left!
See the part I circled? When the tide is out, those posts are taller than me!!!
This child loves nothing more than playing in the water. I let her get all muddy and soaked. Why the hell not, thats why I brought a change of clothes in the car!!!
Look at those muddy boots and soaked jeans!
I didn't get quite as muddy but I was still soaked. My socks were pretty soggy.
Well, thats all my pics from the weekend. I'll have some more to post tomorrow but it should all be crafty stuff!
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