Right now we are experiencing the coldest weather in at least 15 yeas, maybe longer. And yesterday we woke up to a winter wonderland. Today, there was even more snow, I think we got at least 6 inches but now its snowing again so who knows what we will end up with.
I think I'm gonna keep this post short on talk but load you up on pictures. I seriously love my D60. It's amazing. The pictures, amazing. I don't have any other words. I love this camera (and Hubs was thanked thouroughly this morning).
Daddy built Goose a ramp to sled down. She loved it!
Here is the final ramp, Hubs is pretty proud of him self!
So I haven't gone to work in 2 days and it's still snowing. I may just have to chain up tomorrow and tough it out. I hate driving in this shit though. We don't get this kind of weather too often so I have no experience driving in the snow. And at this point, its packed snow and ice. Then, the weather people are saying we may get another snow drift on Sunday too, with no real warm up in between, so we may be stuck with this for a while.
For some reason though, I don't think Goose will mind!
we're getting lots of snow too! those pics of Gabby are adorable! Great camera!
Ah, those pics are wonderful! Isn't this weather nuts? We're expecting another dump tonight too and in the meantime it's freaking freezing. It's pretty, but I think I kind of miss the rain. Did I really just say that??
Great ramp, btw!
she looks like she loves it! good luc w. no power
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