
I kicked laundry's ASS today!

AND I cleaned my bathroom. My dad (from now on know as Googoo) took Gabby for a couple of hours to "hang out" and Hubs and I cleaned like maniacs. The dog got a bath, a bizzilion loads of laundry have been folded AND PUT AWAY and I cleaned my bathroom. Which was throughouly NASTY (after being laid up for months, it was one of the few chores Hubs didn't keep up on). And we even got a start on cleaning the upstairs (to be finished naptime tomorowow). We probably haven't been upstairs in months, its smelly. Too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter. Just not a good pkace. Allegedly its my craft room (which has actually been the living room since April). So we are starting to put that all together and better utilize what little space we have in our crappy rental.

This is literally the first time I have been on the computer all day and probably the first time I have sat down for more than five minutes.

Well, its late and we haven't had dinner yet (late nap, FOUR hours!! YIPPEE!! But she got up at like 7:30 so...that means late bedtime) Goose is requesting Mac and Cheese which thank goodness for easy mac, I can handle. I may be back on later, been crafty the last couple of days so I have stuff to share.

Hopefully my cleaning groove will keep on tomorrow. This is the most productive I have been in three months. I think the meds are finally starting to kick it!!!


1 comment:

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

Go go go

cant wait to see the new goods!

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