
If I Ever Play Golf... and Other Friday Radom-ness

So... apparently I have some stuff to say today. Not, like, one coherent thought or anything (probably due to the hangover) just a bunch of random stuff. Such as:

  • If I ever play golf, and I don't so I probably never will... I will wear this shirt.
    I got it at Ross on super-clearance for $2.99! Yeah, and I know its kinda ugly, but aren't all golf shirts? And I would want to wear it with some really cute kahki shorts that are so short they would probably get me kicked off the course. The folded down socks and a stark white visor. Every golf dudes wet dream, right? But Hubs doesn't golf... and like I said. I don't golf... but if I did, this is what I'd wear.
  • Got more information about the car. Either it needs a new engine or we just need a new car. And at this point, we are still carrying the loan AND we have sunk about two grand into it in the last couple years. So.... I'm thinking the plan is to get a new car. We'll have to cut into our nest egg a bit, which sucks... cuz we really want to buy a house, but what other options do we have?
  • I was on the radio yesterday! First time every. KISS 106.1 in Seattle. Talked about an embarrassing teenage indescretion of mine invloving Future Hubs, Vintage Kelsy, and a dad who came home from a work trip two days early. We were 16... and he mentioned it in out wedding toast. Klassy. But being on the radio was cool. The question was if you had ever caught your parents in the act... well, in my case it was the other way around. Ooops! Years later, still together, my dad turned to me and said, "Ya know, I like the guy... but sometimes I think it'd be funny just to punch him in the face." Yeah, he said that. About my future husband... they do get along now, even if still somewhat awkwardly. I mean, my dad has seen Hubs' bare ass. How could that NOT be at least kinda weird.
  • Home is still a roller-coaster. But thanks to some understanding friends, some long talks, and really good advice, I think I'm getting my shit together. AND since I have had a small incling that my meds may no longer be working (with the help of some friends shaking some sense into me!) so I made an appointment to talk to the Doctor on Monday and see if we can review things.
  • Goose has decided she will no longer let me dress her. So, this is what we left the house in...
    I take it in stride, cuz, just between you and me... I think she could do a lot worse!
  • I made the skirt above. I think I mentioned before that I have been doing a lot of hand-sewing. It's just kinda, mindless, easy crafting that I can do sitting on the couch under a comfy blanket. I got the tutorial here. I got my towel from the Dollar Store. And I know mine isn't NEARLY as cute as the ones in the tutorial, but remember, I'm hand sewing tomorrow.
  • Record high heats! YAY!
  • On Monday. BOO!
  • Friday's are awesome. I work a half day and today after I pick up Goose, we are gonna pick up Hubs and go to the Farmer's Market for lunch. And also to pick up some produce and fresh meat for dinner tonight.
  • My PIC (Partner in Crime) is gonna come over this afternoon and hang out with Goose and I. We are gonna have a girls day. The last time PIC saw Goose, she was 18 months old I think? And WOW has she changed since then. She's no longer my baby (who am I kidding, she will always be my baby) she is a KID!!!'
  • Car shopping on Saturday and Goose is gonna hang out with Goo Goo. I'm not excited. Which is weird, cuz I love shopping. But I hate shopping for cars. Especially with Hubs. Or maybe it's just men. I didn't really like car shopping with my dad either. It's the whole battle of the sexes thing, but really, there is nothing I despise more than walking around car lots smoozing with greasy salesmen.
  • I found this cool tutorial today! I think I have the perfect yellow fabric too!
  • So, I think that's all I have to say for now. Have a Happy Friday and a Merry Weekend!!!
  • XOXO!



megan said...

The skirt is super cute, but your link to the tutorial isn't working.

KelsyC said...

link should work now,

Unknown said...

Love reading your randomness :)

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