Can you guess who I am?
Dress: ModCloth $50
Apron: The Dollar Tree $1
Belt: Value Village $2
Necklace: VV $3
Sterling Pearls: Silpada
Headband: Dollar Tree
Bumpits: $10
Fake Eyelashes: $5
Photo: Rollip Pro
PS - Hint: You have probably eaten and/or baked my food. (Prize may be involved if you are the first one to post the correct answer, and it shouldn't be hard since I've been talking about it for a long time.)
I know exactly who you are...I follow you. Questions is should I give someone else a chance...hmmm
Ya what mrs frogtastic said I already know who you are but do I give someone else a chance or do I not give them a chance and make them also follow you on Twitter!???
You look great, cute costume idea. Though I'm not gonna say it :P
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