
Craft Break!

I've been cleaning all day.

Well, Hubs let me sleep in ('till 11! Whoo!) and I have been cleaning non-stop since getting up. Mainly hauling my craft stuff back up to my craft room (I tend to migrate downstairs cuz I get lonely up there all by myself!) and packing up Christmas decorations. I know, I know, Hubs and I are HUGE procrastinators but the tree is out on the curb and the decorations are packed up. Except for the ornaments. Gonna wait 'till Goose is in bed to pack those away. Its a job easier done without a toddler "helping."

So while folding laundry I found this shirt that apparently Goose took the scissors too. She cut a hole right in the middle front of the shirt.


And then I decided to take a craft break, since the shirt caused a light bulb to go off in my head. I knew just how to fix it! No sewing required and done in under 15 minutes. All you need is some Heat-n-Bond, fabric scraps and an iron (and scissors and a pencil or crayon, thats what I used!)


#1 - Cut out fabric and Heat-n-Bond paper and attach as per the directions on the Heat-n-Bond.

#2 Let fabric cool then sketch your design onto the back of your paper. Cut out.

#3 Again, following the directions on the Heat-n-Bond, attach your fabric to your shirt.

Cute, easy and you'd never know there is a huge hole under there. And Goose was pleased. She thinks I am the "Best Mommy in the WHOOOOLE World" when I make her stuff.

The strawberry fabric is vintage sugar sack fabric and the green corduroy is scrap from a vintage skirt I altered. Both fabrics are from Fun Junk!


ETA - the model/culprit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool Kelsy!

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