
Ladies Who Lunch

Harley-beast, Emmy-monster, Goose

These three girls are the highlight of my life!
My sisters and my little girl.
Can you believe I have an 8 and 10 year old sisters?
Goose has an AUNT only 4 years older than her.
They are much more like sisters!

Hubs and I babysat "the girls" on Friday night so my parents could go to a movie.
Goose was excited to have her first sleep over in the new house.
The "squirrels" (as my mother and I call them) played dress up.
At Goose's insistence, I had to get them "wine."
It's just water... still, bad mommy, I know.

We had a little photo shoot.
I shouted directions.
"Be fabulous!"
"Look FIERCE!"
"Look at the camera Goose!"
"More attitude!"

These girls keep me young.

1 comment:

AlixRose said...


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