
Resolution #4

Get Fit!!!


In addition to walking every workday, I intend to use my Wii Fit as often as possible. I got it for Christmas as a "family" gift from my dad. I love it. The games are fun and not too hard. I can definitely feel my body getting a good workout and I like Wii Fit "Plus" features.

And ya know something I never realized? Yoga is HARD! i've always done more physical activities, i.e. fastpitch, kick-boxing, weight-training. Fast paced, high endurance... but I'd never done yoga. I never realized how much of a workout it really is.

This kinda goes with Resolution #2 in that I want to take control of my life and take better care of myself.

Also with this Resolution, I would like to attempt to commit to taking Goose for an out doors, out side, not in the house, activity once a week.


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